Freedom Fellowship School of Ministry
was established to provide an environment of in-depth Bible study where students can grow in their knowledge of God and His Word.
We believe the result of a well-studied student will be a well-equipped servant, becoming even more useful for serving God and ministering to His people.

With this in mind, we endeavor to assist students in several fundamental ways:
1. Develop a deeper and more intimate relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
(John 17:3).
2. Grow in knowledge, understanding, and application of the Bible. We believe that the Bible is
the inerrant and infallible Word of God (2 Timothy 3:16-17), and we seek to train students to obey God's Word and apply it to every area of their lives (James 1:22). Therefore, the Bible will be our chief textbook in each course that is taught.
3. Become more conformed to the image of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (Romans 8:29).
Jesus is the example and model that we seek to follow and imitate in every aspect of life.
4. Understand the "calling" of God in the life of every believer. In 1 Corinthians 12, we learn that
God gives spiritual gifts to Christians according to His will. Yet many believers are unsure what area of ministry the Lord may be "calling" them to serve in. Therefore, the goal is to help students discover his or her personal "calling" in ministry.
5. Respond to the "calling" of God by becoming actively involved in ministry. God wants to use
every person for His purposes and for His glory. So each student will be encouraged to respond to the "call" of God with an obedient, submissive heart, and to be used by God in whatever capacity that the Lord might choose (Romans 12:6-8, 2 Timothy 1:6).
In order to achieve these goals, the School of Ministry focuses on a core curriculum that emphasizes verse-by-verse study of the Bible, combined with in-depth study of key principles of the Christian faith. Students will study through each book of the Bible, and also complete course work in such foundational subjects as Apologetics, Basic Theology, and Inductive Bible Study. Classes are held 2nd and 4 th Thursday evenings of each month. If you hunger for a deeper relationship with God, and a greater understanding of His Word, then the School of Ministry is for you. God is moving powerfully in these last days, and it is our prayer that our soon-returning Savior will find us busy about our Father's business (Luke 2:49).
Come join us!
upcoming schedule
Lesson 15 - Apologetics part 1
Lesson 16 - Trustworthiness of the Bible & the Evidence
Lesson 17 - How We Got the Bible